Chapter 3- Page 7
So, the museum is actually based on a museum near my home town that I’ve worked for. It’s called the Moravian Pottery and Tiles Works.
If you want to check out the history and maybe buy some tiles go for it! A little of the Tiles Works history and Henry Mercer (The man who made the Tile Works along with Fonthill and The Mercer Museum) is also incorporated in “The First Step”.
If you want to check out the history of the buildings, here some links.
Also, I will be switching updates to Saturdays. During the week I feel rush to make the comic and not enough time. So I’m going to try switching to posting on Saturday. That way I have a little more time to draw and get pages done. We’ll see how it goes!
Moravian Pottery and Tile Works: https://www.thetileworks.org/
Fonthill Castle:https://www.mercermuseum.org/visit/fonthill-castle/about/
Mercer Museum: https://www.mercermuseum.org/visit/mercer-museum/about/

You posted your references in the description I am an idiot skfkajdsfkjad
Man, the backgrounds feel so warm. I like the effect you did for the first two panels. And that establishing shot is so so warm. I can tell it’s somewhere real where real people would live their lives. I love the detail of the well-worn path, I love the arched outdoor pathway, I love the flower bushes that rise over the wall. Hell yeah.