How can I help support this comic?
Following my socials! I’d really appreciate it! I’m on Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook. I also have a Ko-fi page where you can become a member or check my little store.
I am trying to start up my own little side business and the comic under my name/business name: Alu Illustrations. Right now I am trying to get traction for both. So following updates for both along with with my posts would be great. The more followers the more opportunites I’ll have to expand my shop and continue this comic. I appreciate all the support!
To see my shop you can click on the link “Store”, in the top right corner. It takes you to my Ko-fi page.
What tools do you use?
I sketch the tumbnails and organize the panels in my sketchbook. Then for lining and coloring I use Studio Clip Paint. I use pretty simple tools in Clip to create the comic. It’s an amazing tool for illustrators and comic artists. I highly recommend it.
Can I make fan art of so-so?
OH MY GOSH ABSOLUTELY I’D BE SO HONORED AND HAPPY!!!! All I ask that you tag me and give me credit for my characters. Also just take me so I can see your amazing drawings!!!